“… and if you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. Your people will rebuild the ancient ruins and will raise up the age-old foundations; you will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings.” — Isa 58:10-12
People die from hunger and poverty every day in Africa. Worse, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) says Africa is the only continent that is lagging behind in achieving food sufficiency by 2015. Experts believe food shortage threaten half of some countries’ population.
The questions invariably asked is, “why can’t Africa feed itself?” The answers are numerous: Bad government, corruption, and mismanagement, illiteracy, drought, civil wars, etc.
Sadly, life, especially in most rural Africa is often characterized by:
• Brevity
• Disease
• Widespread Poverty
• Subsistence economy &
• Limited opportunity.
Through our church-centered agricultural and rural development programs, we envision seeing the holistic transformation of lives as our trained agricultural staff reaches out to rural farmers – teaching them basic skills that are not so basic to them, while simultaneously presenting the life-changing gospel of Jesus, the Christ!
The main thrusts of our Agriculture and Rural Development outreach are:
- Spiritual: To have spiritual impact through personal contacts/relationships and evangelistic activities
- Nutritional: Improve food supply, increase food variety and ensure balanced diet
- Socio-cultural: Revitalize Agricultural activities by creating opportunities among jobless brethren. Prevent unnecessary rural exodus by bringing modern agricultural techniques to farmer.
- Economic: Generate funds for ministry objectives while simultaneously creating employment and ministry opportunities
Our first experiment with Agricultural Evangelism began in 2000, when Pastor Faustain Mvogo of Living Word Fellowship in Yaoundé moved his family to the remote village of Mbang in the Eastern part of Cameroon. Bread For Life provided him with funds to start an experimental farm and use it as a base to teach Baka Pygmies (a nomadic tribe) the value of ownership. A motorcycle was later provided by BFL to Pastor Faustain Mvogo to ease his travel.
In 2001, Elias Ngome who had just graduated with a Master’s Degree in Agricultural Engineering from the University of Dschang in Cameroon was given his first opportunity to use the training and skills received in the University to serve as Director of Evangelism, Agriculture & Rural Development by the growing ministry of Bread For Life International. “How to be a Successful Farmer” seminars were later launched.
Bread for Life continues to build a team as well as collaborate with government agricultural workers to teach rural and struggling farmers practical skills on how to conserve their soil, increase harvest and diversify more profitable crops.
Our challenges:
“Despite the merits of the dual functions of its vision, Bread For Life ministry does not yet receive the material support it needs… in their crusade to implement the lofty ideals of ‘Agricultural Evangelism.’ …deserve the total support of those of us committed to the cause of the Great Commission of our Lord.”
-Prof Beban Chumbow, Ph.D
Former President of the University of Yaounde
The needs:
- A truck to brave our bad roads and to transport agricultural products for sale in the major cities. This truck can also be used to carry evangelistic crusade and outreach equipment to various areas
- Monthly support so more Agric Engineers are brought on BFL staff to increase the effectiveness of our rural outreaches
- A farm truck to be used in helping villagers to transport their produce to the cities
- Revolving loan account of $500 to a $1000. This will go towards small interest free loans and end up in our revolving account as loans are repaid and reissued.
- Operational budget of $2,000 a month to enable us plan more outreaches and carry out more projects in the rural areas.
- Two more projectors and laptops for use by Agricultural staff
“I am delighted to comment about the impacting work of Elias Ngome through the ministry of Bread For Life International. Elias’ practical integration of agricultural training with the message of the gospel is very innovative. Farmers in our local community do not only learn sustainable techniques in agriculture, on one but also have the opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Elias Ngome and his team carry a hoe for physical seed on one hand and the bible for spiritual seed on the other hand. A wonderful combination. Local farmers have testified increase in their yields as a result of this ministry…”
— Rev. Daniel Mbiwan, Assistant Superintendent
Full Gospel Mission – Cameroon.