
Planting Churches

As a para-church ministry, we believe we find our validity to the degree that we are working alongside the local church to help her fulfill her role. We see the local church as God’s chosen tool for advancing His kingdom. Hence, we seek to complement the indigenous African church by providing vision and resources for maximum impact. We are involved in facilitating church planting in the city and among unreached people groups.

BFL-Planting Churches

Planting Churches

Community based churches in growing cities play a huge role in bringing true change to any society. Wherever the gospel has impacted cultures, it inevitably has been through the local church. Through your partnership, every year, BFL strategically holds evangelistic crusades in order to plant churches and provide a wide range of opportunities for discipleship.

Growing Leaders

We believe empowering national church leaders is the most strategic, cost effective and culturally sensitive way to advance the Gospel. Nationals or indigenous folks are better fitted physically and psychologically for reaching their own people. We are in no way dismissing the idea of Americans or Europeans coming to serve; it is always great to serve alongside brethren from different cultures. It is mutually beneficial, rewarding and brings credibility to the work, too.

Church Buildings

In the last two decade of our involvement in church-planting, it has become evident that we need to also focus on structures or “church buildings.” Yes, this is costly. Some will argue why such investment. Why invest in a building? Below are a few reasons from a “third world” and cultural perspective:

• Basic protection from the elements
• An “established” presence in the community
• A central sending-out point for evangelism
• Host community events
• Impacts ministry potential
• Enhanced witness to unbelievers
• Cultural relevance and credibility

A typical church building in the village will cost between $15,000 and $20,000. For a little more investment the same can be done in the city where the cost and standard of living is higher.

Our focus in the coming years will be in assisting a number of BFL related church plants in having an “established” presence in their communities. Will you prayerfully consider being a part of this legacy? If you will like to partner with us in a church plant or church building, please call or e-mail us.

Bridging the gap • Changing mindsets • Transforming our culture…to the standard of Christ