Christian Medical Centers & Outreaches (CMC)
“For the needy shall not always be forgotten: the expectation of the poor shall not perish for ever.” — Ps 9:18, Luke 4:18
During the last decade, Cameroon, like many other African states has and still is undergoing several crises: Political, social, economic, and spiritual. The purchasing power of its currency has dropped so low that a vast majority of the people cannot afford minimal medical care. Morbidity and mortality rates, joblessness, juvenile delinquency, corruption and other social ills have become common. Consequently,
• Many Cameroonians and families are unable to afford medical treatments because it is expensive, thus many are dying from simple curable diseases. Others turn to sorcerers and witch doctors.
• Many fake incompetent medical services have developed providing misleading diagnosis and treatment, thus draining people of finances without effective services.
• Corruption, embezzlement and bribery is the order of the day even in medical centers. The very poor thus face tough times getting good medical services in a clean way.
• Many Cameroonians and especially believers who have undergone health care training do not have jobs either because they cannot bribe to have one, or mainly because there are no recruitment opportunities.
Christian Medical Outreach is a precursor of Bread for Life’s Christian Medical Centers in our region. Christian Medical outreach was officially initiated as a project of Bread For Life in 2004 with the help of two medical doctors (Dr. Kathleen Holland & Dr. Jackson Downey) and a pharmacist (Nancy Hood). Our desire for CMC is that it will not only effectively meet the physical (health) need at affordable cost, but also the spiritual needs of its customers through various spiritual and evangelistic program.
Christian Medical Center (CMC) and the related Medical Outreaches provides
• jobs for trained jobless people
• creates an opportunity for them to render their faith practical as they minister to patients both medically and spiritually
• provides both efficient affordable medical care, and a spiritual clinic in and out of its premises
• Medical Outreaches provide free clinics and prescriptions
• Are followed by evangelist crusades which are well received because their physical needs have been addressed
• Thousands are brought to Christ
• Further clinics evolve from the outreaches.
• Churches are planted from these outreaches.
Bringing the light of health
To the darkness of disease
Bringing the peace of caring
To the turmoil of distress
Bringing the joy of life
In the face of death
Bringing the light of hope
Into the darkest times of people’s lives
Bringing the love of Christ
Through words and practical deeds
Medical Supply Needs
Med List Considerations before you send:
☹ No refrigerated reconstitute antibiotics
☺ Weight considerations for vitamins–tab-a-vite smallest vitamin (Know how many patients you expect to see before you go and make sure you have enough vitamins for all!)
☺ needed more fluconazole 200mg
☺ clotrimazole troches
☺ calcium supplements, not Tums!! Tums crumble and are not well absorbed to be a calcium supplement
☺ children’s cough/cold tablets ? (an option besides liquid)
☹ no gummie kid vitamins (too hot)
☺ metronidazole 500mg
Pharmacy Supplies
➤ Reading glasses
➤ First Aid kits (for school visits)
➤ Ace bandages (for staff!)
➤ Flash light or battery powered lamp
➤ trash bags
➤ ziplocs
➤ clicker sharpies
➤ stickers/labels
➤ pens
➤ battery powered fan
➤ clorox wipes
➤ alcohol gel
➤ pill splitter
➤ counting tray
First Aid Supplies
➤ Ace wraps, non-stick wound dressings, roll gauze, band aids,
➤ All types of first aid supplies especially ace wraps,
➤ Over the counter medications:
Acetaminophen, ibuprofen. hydrocortisone cream, anti-fungal cream, triple antibiotic cream, soap, etc.–
➤ Vitamins with iron for both children and adults – NO LIQUID or GUMMIES
➤ infant liquid vitamins
Other Items:
➤ Toothbrushes and toothpaste
➤ Reading glasses
➤ Donated prescription glasses – any strength (both near and far-sighted corrections)
➤ Science/health books for the orphanages/schools
➤ Large used suitcases (we carry supplies, medications, and donations of clothing etc. with us)
➤ Sturdy shoes for the school children
➤ School supplies (backpacks etc)
Larger Equiptment/Supplies
➤ Dental equipment
➤ Portable EKG and ultrasound
➤ Portable hemoglobin analyzer with test cards