Explaining Bread For Life is about akin to nailing Jell-o on a wall – not because we are so vast and large but because we are diverse. To be honest, we didn’t have a master plan when we started fifteen years ago. We didn’t need it. We knew exactly what we were to do then, and step-by-step, we felt the strong hand of God directing, opening doors, and providing the resources to do what He has called us to do. If you look carefully at our logo you’ll probably see inscribed on it this words: Changing Hearts – Changing Lives.
First and foremost touching and changing people with the Good News has always been our anchor and driving motive. We are continuing to do this by various means: books, tracts, evangelistic crusades, partnering with indigenous churches to plant churches, vision and Business conferences, informal training, marriage seminars etc.
Our second prong of outreach is Economic and Community Development. This involves seminars, conferences, agricultural outreaches and providing training and interest free loans for micro enterprise ventures and developing self-sustaining ministries.
The third part of Bread For Life is addressing social issues. This involves support for underprivileged students, medical missions, reaching unreached tribal groups and simultaneously helping to elevate their standard of living, HIV/AIDS and children orphaned by AIDS, as well as addressing issues dealing with social injustice and inequities.
Though we don’t have a “five-year plan”, we are committed to the leadership of the Holy Spirit who would guide us when we come to the fork in the road. We are confident of what Jesus said: “Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life” —John 8:12